Tips for Landscaping Around Your Above Ground Pool

above ground pool landscaping ideas

Tips for Landscaping around your pool.

Some practical tips for maintaining your above ground pool landscaping. These tips are pertinent for maintaining your landscape only.  You should always keep up on pool maintenance, such as filter cleaning, pool cleaning and water pH levels.

To summarize the video.

  1. above ground pool landscapingTry not to have grass growing up to the pool. Trimming the grass with a weed trimmer or edge trimmer can damage the pool liner.
  2. Its good to use pea gravel or rocks as mulch, but if you use wood mulch you should treat for termites and ants.
  3. When planting bushes or trees around your pool, please be aware of roots growing below the pool and possibly damaging the pool liner.

If you don’t have a pool yet and would like a few ideas, click here for some inspiration.  Make sure to use sunscreen every time  you are poolside and use as directed. Have Fun!

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